Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Looking for Answers...Unveil the Truth Now!

Details, details, details are the theme for today. Practicality and sensible options run the show, however deep emotions may propel you to investigate further. The "Pragmatic" Virgo Moon forms harmonious aspects with the Sun & Pluto, both in the sign of "Passionate" Scorpio. Intensity of emotions and deep thought may come into play. You may feel like probing for
some unanswered questions and you may just find out what you've been looking for. Most likely, you will analyze the issue before you spring into action, as the Moon aligns with Mars, also in the sign of Virgo. Virgo energy encourages us to proceed with caution. Both Virgo and Scorpio have an eye for detail and oftentimes see or witness things that others miss. If you need to get to the bottom of an issue; Now may be the time. Use this energy to empower You!