Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Full "Cold" Moon in Takes-On Mars!

This "Cold" full Moon has a shivering quality of nervous tension even if you're in the desert. The Moon began in the sign of Jittery Gemini so there's more data coming in than can be easily handled and it may require new levels of organization to keep track of it and keep the channels flowing smoothly. The chances are everybody has something to talk about but it may or may not be relevant. It's important  to separate the wheat the chaff. It's windy, (even if it's still outside), but there still a may be some pertinent information of truth to be snagged as it flies by. 

Now is the time to use your past as a learning tool, and to begin thinking what lies in the year ahead. Your road-map to personal success rides on the perception of your own reality and the thoughts rolling around in your mind. The mind is a powerful entity. Even in the face of adversity, remain positive.  If you aren't achieving something in your life that you really want, ask yourself -  why? As the Moon shifts into to "Insightful" Cancer this afternoon and joins forces with "Intuitive" Pisces, your imagination can help you develop innovative ideas that will keep your action plan on track. This is the time you should be gathering your ideas and developing a plan. Late tonight, the "Impressionable" Cancer Moon wages war with Mars in "Inquisitive" Libra. Questions may lurk about in your mind or from those around you. If something in your life is out of balance, but you've been hiding in shadows of denial, the Universe may bring everything to light! In any event, the Universe will get your mind thinking, pondering and processing.