Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Reclaim Your Power: Reinvent the New You!

Now is a great time to develop a strategic business plan, map out a new career move, foster a better relationship with the family or tie down your roots in an improved home-life. A serious tone permeates the environment and everybody is into getting down to the nuts and bolts of practicalities for the next couple of days, as the Moon enters "Business-Orientated" Capricorn this evening. Several planets in the sign of Pisces is getting us all in touch with our feelings a little more. It's a great time for prophetic dreams, creative ventures and innovative ideas. A lot of people may get the sense of feeling "stuck" in a present job, relationship, living situation or other life circumstance, however, recognizing the problem areas gives you the opportunity to go within and do some personal house-cleaning and then, figure out exactly what needs to be done to resolve the issue.  Although many people fear any planet going retrograde, a Mercury Retrograde is a very good time for going within and fixing things in your life that are long-overdue. Pay special attention to all words beginning with the prefix: "Re" and put any word behind it you choose. Remodel, Redecorate, Remake, Retake, Rebuild, Regenerate, Redo, and Repair are just to name a few. It's also a great time for a complete shift in consciousness, and in essence, new ways in thinking.  Now is the perfect time to reinvent anything including; the New You! Mercury is a planet of the mind and communication. In retrograde, it forces you to reminisce about the past. Mercury in Pisces helps our minds process information about our emotional state, yet rationalize the issue at hand, and also enables us to communicate with compassion, empathy and understanding.  Healing energy can result and allow you to bring closure to an unhealthy relationship, or it can allow you to have a better understanding of the other person's viewpoint. In any event, forgiveness is possible.  The trick is to avoid self-pity, overindulgence, confusion and above all - to establish clear boundaries and stick with it!!!

More tips on how to utilize the planetary energies to come.....Keep in tune with my daily blogcast http://aquarian-psychic.blogspot.com/ .

As you read them, they will begin to click and be on par with your daily living. The Universe is a constant flow of energy and the planets are always moving and visiting different areas of our lives. Immerse yourself in the Power of Divine and the Universe and bring out the courageous spirit you have within your soul to manifest your true desires and re-claim your power.

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