Monday, June 17, 2013

Moon Wars with Pluto & Uranus!

The "Peace-loving" Libra Moon typically establishes balance and harmony, but there may be some moving and shaking. "Powerhouse" Mars in "Active" Gemini teams up with "Electrifying" Uranus in "Get-the-Ball-Rolling" Aries creating some excitement & tension! Although you will have plenty of ideas, your mind and body may be heading in all sorts of directions. As the neurons in your brain get activated, your body's nervous system will keep you going as well.  Tonight gets even more intense as the "Balancing" Libra Moon forms negative aspects to both Uranus and Pluto. Your motivations of what you want may hit some roadblocks or you may be feeling emotionally vulnerable. Anything in your life that is out of balance may come to a crisis point now, even it's just on an emotional level. There may be issues over money and security or just all around disputes! Pent up issues may burst out of the seams.  Avoid negative people and situations especially tonight!  Get some exercise to ease the stress and plan something calming to sooth your body, mind and spirit so you can get some sleep tonight.

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