Monday, July 1, 2013

Shift Your Paradigm; Planetary Aspects Put You to the Test!

As the 4th of July rounds the corner, there may be some confusion about love, romance, career, etc. The tendency to evade issues by you or someone around you may be problematic. You may find yourself at a major crossroads. Circumventing the core issues may not help at this time. The Universe is setting the stage to make you deal with crucial matters at hand.  "Receptive" Venus in "Impressionable" Cancer is at Odds with "Unyeilding" Saturn in "Determined" Scorpio. Additionally, Venus is forming a negative aspect to "Otherworldly" Neptune in "Introspective" Pisces clouding your vision about love & creativity. The Sun in "Emotion-friendly" Cancer Opposes "Purging" Pluto in "Earthly-Minded" Capricorn. Deep philosophical insights about love and desire blend with an internal struggle to attain the status quo.  Self-assertion hits periodic roadblocks that can teach you where to pick your fights and where to circumnavigate them. When you hit a stumbling block, don't beat your head against a wall, but try inner change, as the problem may be within. Some of our worst obstacles, in retrospect, were never really there at all. Whittling away at your needs too insistently may only serve to magnify them and force a spiraling return to an over-tapped well. If you take what you need and be done with it, what you have will suffice, even if you have some reservations. When the tide takes you out to sea, the best advice is never swim against the current. A change in perspective and a paradigm shift may help you cope with the changes around you.

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