Thursday, January 2, 2014

Kicking off the New Year!

As we begin the New Year, the Sun, Mercury and Venus are all in the sign of "Dedicated" Capricorn. A highly driven, ambitious, earth sign, this energy helps us focus on the nuts and bolts of reality and the physical world. Key issues will be money, security, career, a settled home life, and possibly the purchase of a home. Real estate investments or furthering ones education to enhance economic opportunity are on high on the list of priorities. Relationships that have stability and feel as if they are "going-
somewhere" are more desirable than "casual encounters"at this time. Mars is in the sign of Libra, forcing us to think fairly in the treatment of others and also what in all fairness to ourselves. Both Capricorn and Libra are highly analytical signs, therefore you may find yourself pondering and thinking especially about important decisions.

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